NetUnion collaborates with a European network of clinical and research partners, with collaborations ranging from clinical evaluation, to deployment of our programs as part of their routine care.
Dept urgence et Post-urgence psychiatrique, France.
Prof. Dr. Sébastien Guillaume
Salut BN
Eating Disorder Network Rhone Alps region, France.
Prof. Dr. Francois Lang
Salut BN as front line intervention
Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie
Prof. Dr. Martina de Zwaan
Salut BED (Interbed)
Integrated Research and Treatment Center Adiposity Diseases
Prof. Dr. Anja Hilbert
Salut BED (Interbed)
Dept of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Martina de Zwaan
Salut BED (Interbed)
Dept of Psychosomatic Med. Psychotherapy, Univ of Bochum
Prof. Dr, Stephan Herpertz
Salut BED (Interbed)
Dept of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Dr. Friederich, Hans-Christoph
Salut BED (Interbed)
Dept of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Stephan Zipfel
Salut BED (Interbed)
Inst. of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Brunna Tuschen-Caffier
Salut BED (Interbed)
Park Wildungen, Germany
Dr. Hartmut Imgart
Clinical evaluation Salut BN
Klinik Roseneck, Prien Am Chiemsee, Germany
Prof. Dr. Manfred Fichter
Clinical evaluation Salut BN
Cinderella e.V. Beratungsstelle für Essstörungen, Munich
Salut BN
Frankfurter Zentrum für Ess-Störungen, Frankfurt
Salut BN
Amsterdam, Breda, Den Haag, Ultrecht, Groningen
Salut BED EetbuienOnderControle (EOC)
Salut BN BoulimiaDeBaas (BdB)
Salut BN BoulimiaDeBaas (BdB)
Kunskapscenturm för ätstörningar, Stockholm
Salut BN
Stockholm Center for Eating Disorders
Salut BN
Queen Silvia Children Hospital, Gothenburg
BUP Anorexi-bulimimottagning
Salut BN
Habiliteringen Skaraborg
Ingrid Bertilsson
Providing remote support for rehabilitation to people with various disabilities.
Neuropsykiatriska utredningsenheten, Solhem Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus
Caroline Dromberg
Providing remote support to adults with ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders.
VårdalInstitutet / Enheten gör banneuropsykiatri (BNK)
Elisabet Wentz
Providing remote support to adults with ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders.
ESCAL: Espaces de soins pour troubles du comportement alimentaire
Salut BN
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ess-Störungen, Zurich
Clinical evaluation Salut BN
Institutions Psychiatriques du Valais Romand
Hôpital Malevoz, Monthey
Salut BN
Department of Psychology, Fribourg
Prof. Dr. Anja Hilbert
Salut BED (Interbed)
Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Fernando Fernández-Aranda
Salut BN
Dept of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Karwautz
Clinical evaluation Salut BN