CaMeLi - Care Me for Life (AAL 2012-5-030)
Cameli, a research project within the FP7 Active Assisted Living (AAL) domain, strived to furnish automated services for assisting elderly citizens in their daily activities. The project developed an innovative Virtual Partner (ViP) care model that combines state of the art human computer interaction (emotion recognition, intelligent dialogue), Internet Net Of Things (IOT) technologies, ambient sensors and user behavior analysis to support independent living and healthy aging.
NetUnion coordinated the work package for Wellness, Care and Guidance Services, and was responsible for developing “Brain Wellness” service for promoting sense of self efficacy and mental well being for elderly participants in three home environments: independent living in an urban setting, Orbis elderly home, and Orbis care apartments.
The company also developed the 'Memory Club ©' , a dedicated platform integrating gamification techniques to deliver stress reduction exercises and memory enhancing strategies, in partnership with researchers from the University of Geneva and VIVA (Valoriser et Intervenir pour Vieillir Autrement), a Geneva-based organization promoting healthy aging,
NetUnion coordinated the work package for Wellness, Care and Guidance Services, and was responsible for developing “Brain Wellness” service for promoting sense of self efficacy and mental well being for elderly participants in three home environments: independent living in an urban setting, Orbis elderly home, and Orbis care apartments.
The company also developed the 'Memory Club ©' , a dedicated platform integrating gamification techniques to deliver stress reduction exercises and memory enhancing strategies, in partnership with researchers from the University of Geneva and VIVA (Valoriser et Intervenir pour Vieillir Autrement), a Geneva-based organization promoting healthy aging,
Partner list
- SIEMENS Enterprise Communications, Germany (Coordinator)
- University of Geneva, Switzerland
- ORBIS Medical & Care Group, Netherland
- Instituto Pedro Nunes, Portugal
- NetUnion sarl, Switzerland
- ViVa Association, Switzerland
- Noldus Information Technology, Netherland
- Citard Services Ltd, Cyprus